Senior Show Exhibit

At Arizona State University, the senior graphic designers are tasked to pick a social issue for their final exhibition. Other than the exhibit, we were required to provide a giveaway and the final senior book. My main goal was to inform the public about Sex Work, and how we can end the stigma through social change. Towards the end of the exhibit, people have the opportunity to research the organizations that I provided to learn more about Sex Work and how stigma affects these individuals.

Exhibit Design

By using acrylics and laser cutter machine I was able to create the signage and information for my exhibit. My goal was to make the word SLUT as big as possible to attract the audience to my work.



Throughout my exhibit, the audience was able to get a better understanding on how stigma affects sex workers, and what resources they can rely on for more information

Giveaways & Senior Book

At ASU, the senior designers are tasked to design a book, minimum of 100 pages, displaying their final senior year projects and events. This book is showcased at the final senior show. On top of designing a book, I also made it a priority to create stickers and earrings to add a unique touch to my exhibit